How does Cranial Sacral Therapy Benefits Your Breastfeeding Journey?
Cranial Sacral Therapy. What can it possibly have to do with the breastfeeding problems my baby and I are experiencing? Quite a lot.
Chiropractic For The Mother-To-Be
The changes you will experience from the time of conception through the postpartum period are nothing less than miraculous. You will physically blossom so that others will notice your “glow”, and you’ll also feel the effects of changes that can’t be seen. Hormonal shifts affect chemical reactions in both the mother and the developing baby, and this is controlled and coordinated by the nervous system.
Is Bottle Feeding Really Easier?
Breastfeeding. To those who don’t know the benefits, bottle feeding may have the appearance of being easier. But when you truly look at the benefits and value of breastfeeding, it is difficult to deny yourself trying the best to do it. The list of benefits is long and impressive.
The Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Your Baby
Your baby is born, with all 10 fingers and toes, but the journey in utero and through labor could have had an impact on the alignment of his or her spine. Luckily, this is something that can be fixed by taking a trip to your chiropractor.